I have been confused since the pandemic started and confusion, I establish is the worst state to be for people like me. You don’t know which direction you are heading and yet even when the things are in your realm of control, you just don’t gather the energy or motivation to do something. When you are confused you could stare at a wall for hours and look for answers to your questions. The dust that’s been collecting over your to-do list doesn’t bother you anymore and you can just disappear into thin air and find peace within yourself without the world, constantly reinforcing the things that you have to do. And it is pretty natural to be confused, it is a part of the process to find out more about yourself, to search for answers that matter and it is completely normal to be confused. Especially in this world where you can’t distinguish your own emotions, thoughts, feelings, dreams and goals as your own or someone else’s that you have been told to believe are yours. But for someone ...
I write about pop culture, ideas and sometimes politics.